Dickerson and Band
Wednesday 8th January 2004
The much
anticipated show from Deke Dickerson began at the relatively early time
of nine o'clock due to Cherry double booking the night with grunge rockers
Queens of the Stone Age due to perform a "secret" gig in the
wee hours of the morning. Those in the know were on time for the man wielding
the double-necked guitar affectionately known as "the beast".
the stage without fanfare, which Deke later confessed to be due
to logistics in the cramped confines of Cherry rather than modesty
and humility, Deke unleased the beast and began a blistering two
sets of rockabilly retro.
the first number "Mean Little Woman" Deke, asked the audience
how was the sound? Upon receiving a positive endorsement he then
joked that he would turn then volume of his guitar up. This was
the first of many jokes that deadpan Deke would foist on his audience
during the night.
Rod Queen" one of the many car themed tunes was recognised
by his fans. "Red Headed Woman" the third song was introduced
with Deke telling the audience that later there would be a song
for the blondes in the audience and that even later there would
be a song for the baldheads. The self-deprecatory humour was to
be in evidence all night although not always understood by those
hungry for the music.
Dickerson (photo by Linda Di Nola)
introduced "Beating on The Bars" by saying that as Australians
they would identify with the song due to the country's establishment as
a penal colony. Dickerson stating that there is always a person at his
gigs in America who identifys with the song hurriedly followed this comment.
Ironically Dickerson will play Brisbane's notorious Boggo Road jail while
in Australia
Another song
that Dickerson said was reworked for his tour of Australia was "Boomerang"
which is listed on the Number 1 Hit record as Poontang. Dickerson sang
the vocal line at times in a baritone voice and elicited a call and response
effect with the band.
of the Border" was the first instrumental of the night that allowed
Dickerson to stretch out and show his guitar prowess by incorporating
both guitars of the beast within the same song.
introduced the band on the night as Peter Baylor on the guitar,
Andrew Lindsey on the drums and on bass Michael St.Claire-Miller.
The band sometimes performs as the Starliners and in fact had played
with Dickerson on one of their visits to the USA. Peter Baylor was
particularly devastating on the Fender telecaster and impressed
those in the audience familiar with his dexterity and picking.
Might Not Come Home At All" and "Lovers Arms" (Said
My Last Goodbye) were songs deep in the rock and roll tradition
with a sound that reminded one of the Hop and with lyrics seeped
in teenage angst.
A slight
change of pace saw a slightly slower rockabilly song "All Dressed
Up and No Place to Go" dedicated to guitarist Baylor who was
resplendent on the night in pressed slacks, vintage checkered cowboy
shirt and ribbon/string tie. This was followed by the western swing
of "Tulsa Baby" which harked back to Bob Wills and his
Texas Playboys.

and Pete
(photo by Linda Di Nola)
The variation
in styles and genres continued with "Hello Blues" (Come in I've
Expecting You), Dickerson had changed guitar and now showed his skill
with a Fender Telecaster and with Baylor and band on harmony vocals there
were echoes of the Everly Brothers in the song.
A break saw
Dickerson explain that he wanted to tell a few jokes so he could work
on his stand up routine just in case the guitar thing doesn't work out.
Topical topics included a Michael Jackson joke and a comparative joke
being what's the difference between your girlfriend and KFC? The punch
line delivered in a redneck/backwoods voice can't be repeated here but
ask me next time you see me to repeat it.
See The Forest For The Trees" and Merle Travis song "Boom Boom"
finished out the first set and left the audience anticipating more when
Dickerson and the band returned for the 2nd set.

and Band
(photo by Linda Di Nola)
Up My Love for You" and the hillbilly sounding "Don't
Push Me Too Far" began the second set. A Johnny Horton number
"Lets Take The Long Way Home" revealed Dickerson's' roots
and influences in music.
A song
for blondes was up next "Gentlemen prefer Blondes" which
took the sound to the lounge area and featured St.Claire-Miller
on the brushes and the skins. "Just Between Us" an instrumental
was followed by some more stand up comedy that was basically a technique
used by Dickerson to pace out the show.
Rodders Lament" saw Dickerson take a walk through the crowd while
singing and serenading the girls in the crowd with the double entendre
of the words to the song. Surf guitar number "Tonight I've Got Nothing
to Lose" showed that being native of Missouri was no hindrance to
mastering that particular genre. The Buddy Holly song "Tingaling"
was replete with trademark Holly stutters and had the girls swooning and
the boys envious.
Lightning" was introduced by Dickerson as a George Jones song and
while he had the hit with it we all know, thanks to Nu Country archivist
Barbara Dowling that the song was written by Texas DJ J. P. Richardson
aka The Big Bopper.
introduced "Bitter Tears" as the one slow song for the night
and upon receiving jeers from the audience suggested that the Queens of
the Stone Age would be performing about 14 of them during their gig. The
slow song was juxtaposed with the speed of "Snatch It & Grab
It" and the real life experience of "Nightmare of A Woman".
A request for an Elvis song saw Dickerson comply with a brief moving version
of "In The Ghetto" that featured the obligatory wiping of the
sweat off the forehead by a female fan in the audience. The reprise in
the song saw Dickerson dancing with mine host's mother.
up the show were songs from the album "More Million Sellers"
"Mexicali Rose" and "Rocking Gypsy" (instrumental)
the later number saw Baylor put down his guitar and the band switching
instruments with two players taking it turns to take on "the beast"
at the same time. At more point Dickerson was playing the bass and showing
his talent with that instrument. On the latest album "Deke Dickerson
in 3-Dimensions! he takes a turn on the baritone saxophone and piano.
Of course
after two sets and forty songs the audience wanted to hear more. Saving
the best for the encore Dickerson went for it with Baylor on duelling
hillbilly electric guitars on the song "You've Been Honky Tonkin'"
and a traditional song "Muleskinner Blues" which wrapped up
the show.
After signings
and purchasing of Dickerson's music and merchandise the audience filed
out, sated and satisfied, past the kids lined up for the next act Queens
of the Stone Age, knowing that they had seen the best show of the night
from an act that respects the past, builds on the traditions and won't
be remembered as just this year's model.
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